Hello everybody!
So this is my first entry on this blog, first of I want to say that I know there are a lot of blogs about lifestyle and traveling. But considering I moved to a different country at a young age (11 years old) I tought that by writing about my experiences I could maybe help some people who are going trough the same or have been and need some help adjusting. So if you are moving to a different country or just a different city and you want some advice don't worry and just ask me and I will help you as best as I can. So first of somethings about me:
I'm 18 years old at the moment, and I live in Malaga in the south of Spain. I was born in the south of the Netherlands in a city called S'hertogenbosh, S'hertogenbosch is quite a big city as is Malaga but when I first moved to Spain We ( my parents, my sister and I) moved to an old farm in the middle of nowwhere. This was maybe the biggest adjustment, because I had always lived in a big city or village and had been able to do things on my own even at a young age. But when I arrived in Spain for the first time I noticed how far away from everything our house really was. The closest little town was 20 minutes away in a car. I couldn't do anything withouth my parents and was suddenly stuck with my sister everyday. It turned out to be a good thing because my sister and I are now closer then ever. You also learn to adjust to a different life and be closer with your family. I guess it's a good thing but it could also get very annoying because you have barely any privacy, especially because my parents decided to begin a B&B, Our house had a small house in the backyard and a pool with a terras surrounding it so they decided to rent out the small house and a couple of rooms in our house. It can get very annoying at times because most people that come are dutch and they always ask the same questions : "Oh and do you speak spanish yet?" "Do you miss Netherlands and your family?" "Would you go back to The netherlands or not?" and on and on it goes. The best thing to do is answer quickly and nicely and then get the hell out of there or at leats that's what I do. I moved out of my parents home and into a small apartment in Malaga las september to study, and I'm liking the experience very much so far. I've had some ups and downs but who doesn't? I have a lot more freedom because now I can just go into the city to go shopping or to get some food on my own instead of having to ask my parents to take me. But I feel like I'm rambling on now. If you read all the way to the end: that's awesome and thank you! If you have any questions or want me to talk about a certain subject just leave a comment or send me a message and I will do it. I don't know how many times i'll update I will try to update as much as I can but it depends on the time I have and the topic, Somethings are harder then others.
Enjoy the rest of your day, wherever you are in the world and I'll see you soon!
xx Simone