viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Art overload & fairytale walks.

Hello world!

Recently I uploaded a blog post about my trip to madrid. As it was getting very long and I still had a lot of photos and things I wanted to show you/ talk about, I decided to make a seperate blog post mainly about the things we discovered the last day in Madrid.
So enjoy!

Prado Museum:
Now the Prado Museum is heaven for anyone who loves art, paintings and history. I am a bit of a history nerd, so I simply had to go. I had allready been twice before, but this year at school one of my most important subjects was History, this subject appart from studying things that had ocurred in Spain in the XIX and XX century we also had to analize documents and paintings/photographs from these time periods. Two of which are located in the Prado, which was my main reason for revisiting, knowing I would look at these paintings with a diferent point of view then before having studied them. Apart from these paintings by Goya (spanish painter) there was a piece from Rembrant and various paintngs from Jeroen Bosch (who was born in the same town as I). My sister and I roamed the beautiful halls of the Prado museum for several hours before leaving to get some lunch. unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside so a picture of the building will have to do.

After lunch (Pizza) we went to the Retiro park, a very famous part in the middle of Madrid. It was very big and beautiful, with maze like foresty walks and a cristal palace. After walking around for about an hour we sat under a tree on some towels we brought and enjoyed the last hour or so we had in Madrid. It was very hot by the way (35ºC). The last thing we visited was the rose garden, or at least I call it that. It was filled with different types of roses and fountains with arches covered in roses as well, it was very fairytale like. But I will stop talking now and let the pictures speak for itself.

Have an amazing day/ night!

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