lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

My new job as a tour guide, sort of... part 2

hello world!
I'm back with part dos of my "my new job as a tour guide, sort of..." series and probably (hopefully) the last one. Unless I get caried away again...
Anyway let's get back to the story telling.

Day 4:
After a long and tiring day in Amsterdam, on saturday we decided to take things a little slower and stay closer to the hotel. I was very excited for today as I was going to show them ( my friend and his parents) my hometown, the city where I was born. 'S-hertogenbosch or Den Bosch. It was about a half an hours drive so not that far. It's a very old city, with a big cathedral and canals just like in Amsterdam. Only I think it is a lot nicer (but you know, I will always prefer the home town). And suprisingly, they prefered Den Bosch aswell. We walked trough the city enjoying all the views and of course visited the cathedral, where we  were met with a surprise. For a limited time, to get awareness to the restaurations necesary to preserve the cathedral, you could climb one of the towers and enjoy the views from above and get a good look at the 30 or so famous little statues the cathedral has made by artists like Jeronimus Bosch ( Who as the name suggests, was born in the same city as I). As it was the 500th aniversary of Jeroen (jeronimus) Bosch's birthday, you could see the city filled with art and his influence was very present. They also had an exibition at the "noord brabants museum" and of course in the "Jeronimus Bosch art centre." We only went to one of these musea as 2 is quite a lot, and we wanted a relazing day.
Also as it was saturday, there was a big market going on in the city centre, as occurs every saturday, alltough it was slightly smaller because of a fun fair going on. The market sells things like vegetables and fruit, flowers,pieces of fabric and especially food. Such as big warm dutch cookies called "stroopwafels" or fried fish and if course chips ( or fries).
We went home not long after and just relaxed.

Day 5:
This was the one day I had off of tour guiding. My friend and his parents went to Rotterdam but I stayed in the hotel as i had to study for my exams :(.

Day 6:
On monday I also didn't have to do any tour guiding as my friend and I where going to the Efteling,which is a famous dutch theme park. I have talked about it in a previous blog post so I wont go in to detail. But just have to say I love this park a lot! (like a lot a lot) And I was very happy when my friend liked it just as much as I did. We had a lot of fun and took a lot of cool pictures.

Day 7:
I didn't do much as I had to fly back home early the next day. So apart from studying, packing my bag and some last minute shopping I relaxed. At the end of the day I went to visit my cousin together with my mom. It was a lot of fun as I had not seen him for almost 6 years. And he has 3 kids I hadn't met either, who, if I can just say, are the cutest things ever!

Day 8:
On wednesday, unfortunatly I had to go home again. As I had my exams early the next day, and my flight was firstly intended to leave at like 11 PM, I switched flights to a earlier one. The only bad thing was that I had to fly alone. I am not a big fan of flying or bif crowded places so I was quite nervous about the whole flying alone thing. I had done it before but still.
Fortunatly everything went great and soon I was back at my trusted apartment watching netflix ;)

So I hope you enjoyed this mini series of my "experiences" as a tour guide.
I'm sorry I don't have anymore pictures but as I told in the other post, my camera broke 1 week pior to leaving, and my phone has no memory...

Have a great day/night wherever you guys are.


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