jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Summer favourites!

Hello world!

So summer has come to an end, or atleast here it has. And if apart from this blog you are also following my youtube channel  ( the same name as my blog) you will know that at the end of winter I did a winter favourites. I really enjoyed doing that video so I decided to do a blog and a video this time.

So here are some of my summer favourites:

Kiko Body Spray:

 I love this spray, especially in the summer as you can spray it on your whole body, not just your neck or wrists. It has minimall alcohol so it's very fresh oposed to the heaviness other perfumes tend to have. It also has a very summery sent and it's in a metal bottle, making it easy to take away and minimalizing the risks of it braking. It's by the brand "Kiko Make up Milano" and this particullar scent is called Coral Reef.

Rituals Body Butter/ Cream:

I love to keep hydrated, especially during the summer, as my (and most people's skin) dries out fast due to all the chlorine and salt at the beach or pool. I do prefer to put it on at night or early morning as it's cooler and absorbs easier. Bodycream also helps preserve a tan which is a win win in my books. This on in particular ( the biggest jar) has little flecks of glitter inside giving your body a nice shimmering efect. It makes your body shine and look better. These body creams are by Rituals and are called "Mandi Luhur" (big jar, alltough this on e was part of a summer collection from 2 years ago, so I'm not sure if they still have it)  & " rituals of shakura" ( small bottle).

Dry shampoo:

As it is summer, your hair gets dirty easier. Especially if you swim and tan a lot, or like me, work out 3 times a week. To prevent washing your hair every day, something I don't do ( it's better for your hair). You can use dry shampoo, I guess everyone knows how to use it but if not it says so on the can. This one in particular is from a dutch brand and apart from keeping your hair clean an extra day, it also gives you volume and in my case extra wavy hair. resembling a beach look. It worked so good I went back and bought another spray before going back to Spain. 

Hair serums:

Staying on the topic of hair, with the sun and swimming comes easily damaged hair. To keep my hair shiny and nice, I put in a serum everytime after I was my hair. i airdry it first, to then brush it and apply the serum, especially in the roots and the ends. This serum has been my favourite for over 4 years. I bought it, once again, in the netherlands (you can only get it there, and it's cheap). Alltough I have found one in Spain that is also very good called "Kinessences, oil cream".

 Roses de Chloé:


Now I have been in love with nearly all chloé scents for ages, especially the original one called "chloé". Recently I went shopping with my mom and while we where in one of the shops looking around. We walked past the Chloé counter and I smelled all the scents again ( Yup not obsessed at all). I had heard of this Roses de Chloé scent but never tried it. Once I smelled it, I fell in love. It smells like the original Chloé only fresher with a hint of roses and maybe herbs or something. I finally got the perfume, as a graduation present. ( If not I probably wouldn't have bought it). I got the 30 ml bottle which is the smallest one, as I don't use a lot of perfume. They wrapped it up in a very cute wrapping paper ( Paper under perfume bottle), making it complete. So yeah this is defenitely one of my favourite summer favourites.

Whish mud mask:

I love facemasks in generall, and all year trough. Especially at night, I just take of my make up, put on a face mask and relax. Normally you have to leave face masks on for at least 15 minutes. This one however, you leave on for short periods of time. At the most 2 minutes, making it easy to use if your in a rush or if you hate the itchiness of long on face masks.
This one is called " renewing mud mask" by an american brand called Whish. This is the sample size, it is paraben free and has naturally sourced and organic ingredients. The products are all tested dermatologically, so NOT on animals, something I find very important. So yeah I find it a very usefull mask fro a quick bit deep cleanse.

H&M nailpolishes:

I love a good nail polish, ( actually I am obsessed with nail polish and nail art) but this summer especially I have been loving the polishes from H&M. All the ones I bought where in the sales, so extra cheap. They had very special colours, with or without glitter. Alltough I prefer with glitter as the reflextion of the sun gives it a a very nice shine. The summer is also a very good time to paint our toe nails, making us girls look even nicer, especially in sandals or heels. 

Lastly I want to talk about the beautiful flowers I bought. I love having flowers around the house, they make the place look brighter and make it smell nice. In the summer with the heat however it is hard to keep them looking nice for a long time. but as it is cooling down now here, I bought these flowers the first uportunity I got. And I love them, especially the double coloured ones.


So I hope you enjoyed this list of summer favourites.
Have a great day/night wherever you are.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you wanted me to talk about.
 See you next time!


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