miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Best places to go! Spain edition Nº TRES

Hello world!

So I am back with part 3 of Best places to go! the spain edition, which will probably be the last one for a while as there are no other big cities here in Spain that I have been to.

I did a Málaga & Madrid version before these, so if you haven't read those yet, go read them now.
I have been to Valencia many times, but have only been able to actually enjoy the city twice, as all the other trips where for hockey trips. So this list of my personal hotspots will probably be a lot shorter then the Malaga  or Madrid one, but I hope it will still be usefull.

 Now one of the places I have stayed where great, others not so much. My favourite place I stayed was an apartment complex called Port saplaya, it is as the name says, near the beach and if you are lucky you get an apartmemt with a view of the beach. When you walk outside it is literally a stone throw away from the beach. It's a very nice beach by the way so you can just enjoy a nice holiday on the beach and have dinner in on of the small typicall spanish bars around the area.


Now if you are staying in an apartment, chances are you are going to make your own food. Next to the apartment complex I mentioned before, is a big supermarket and there are many more scatterd around the city, so that is no problem. If you are staying in the centre of the city I wouldn't really be able to tell you much as I have never been there but I do know there are several Tommy mel's in the city (yes I went there when I found out about that little fact). Apart from that the city provides many restaurants, and I always say the best way to explore a city is to do just that. Go out and explore, with or without a map, just walk around and you will probably find you something very nice and not in any touristguide. But try not to get lost because you know apart from that that would suck big time, Valencia is big, and spanish people don't normally speak english or any other language for that matter.

 Valencia is especially famous for it's city of arts and sciences. Which consist of about 5 different building made by the famous architect Calatrava and they each harbor a different museum. I only went to two as visiting all in 3 days was to much. I went to the Oceanografic, a big marine zoo of sorts and to the science museum. I loved both but the oceanografic was by far my favourite, dolphins have always been one of my favourite animals and I love the ocean and all it's life for ever so I really enjoyed it. The science museum has lots of experiments you can try out yourself and you can learn a lot in an interactive way. There are 3 other museums, one about the anuiverse and the stars, one full of art & another one that is about cinema, I think.
Apart from these 5 musea I don't think there are any other big important ones but there might be.

I haven't done much shopping but i know there are several big shopping centres (Malls) in the city, I've been to one and it was great, very big and had everything, including many restaurants. So if apart from beaches and culture you want shopping this town is perfect. apart from the shopping centres there are many small shops where you can buy small trinkets and souvenirs. And then there are the people that walk around the beach selling beachware or any other rubbish, that sometimes is actually good.

So I hope you enjoyed, and I'm sorry it is shorter then the previous one's I just don't have a lot and I only want to talk about the things I have actually visited personally. Not some I read on internet.

Let me know what you thought and if there is anything you want me to write about, let me know in the comments.

have a nice day/night wherever you are!


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