miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

How to deal with moving!

Hello people!

It's my 7 year anniversary of living in Spain!! Well actually it was 2 days ago but I forgot to post it so I'm posting it today, hope you enjoy!!

So as a continuation of my previous post I tought I'd give some tips and tricks that worked for me when I got the news I was moving to Spain.

1. Talk about it with someone. Even if it is just to have a shoulder to cry on. You will feel a lot better if you have someone to talk about and who can maybe help you. Don't have anyone? You can always talk to me!

2. Make a list with advantages and disadvantages. Even if you have way more disadvantages. This gives you a clear view of all the thing that are going to change and you can focus on just the good stuff, trust me it works. Altough we shouldn't just forget about the bad things, because you'd be lying to yourself.

3. Keep a journal or diary during the moving process. Or longer if you allready have one. This way you can rage about all the hings you feel and think without hurting anyone around you. Especially your parents.

4. Do the things you wanted to do and won't be able to do anymore when you leave. Like go to your favourite restaurant, to the beach, take a walk trough a forest, you name it. Just go all out because you deserve it.

5. Trow a goodbye party for yourself, or if you have an awesome friend who loves organizing things let him/her do it. Don't do it for the fact your leaving, use it as an excuse to have one more epic party with all your closest friends and family. I had a sleepover with my closest friends, we covered the floor of our (empty) living room with matresses and just talked, danced and laughed all day. If you are older (remember I was 11 when I moved) you can go to a club and just go crazy. Do what you want, it's your party.

6. Look up information about the city/country/town your moving to. Interesting history, things to do etc. You can also look for things in close proximity, like this you have things to look forward to. It makes it less boring when you don't know anyone or anything. This can also be a good thing to make friends.

7. Now this one depends on if your moving to a different country or not. If you aren't then try and find a sport or club that interests you, this is one of the easiest and most entertaining ways to make friends, because you allready have one thing in common. If you do move to a different country, thsi is a little difficult as most times you won't now the language yet. But as I have learned trough experience, the fastest way of learning a new language is simply talking to people. Because if they only speak their mother tongue, which they most times do, you'll have no other choice then to speak their language.

8.And most importantly, even if you may not be moving by choice and your parents or family are forcing you to go. Don't get mad at them, even if you want to, vent about it in your diary or on a blog, but keep your family close because you will soon realise that as soon as you've moved, they are the only people you will now and you need them to help you trough the hard moments. Because even though you might think it's not all that bad, or I make it out to be, it can be very hard at times. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. Sometimes moving away can feel amazing and sometimes it sucks, and when it sucks it sucks big time and you feel very sad or angry. It's in these moments that you will need your family, because they are going trough the same thing as you.

I know this was shorter then usual but I just wanted to give you guys some tips that helped me. If any of you that read my blog ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to send me a message or leave a comment and I will do everything I can to try and help you!

Have an amazing Night/ Day wherever you are and I will write soon!


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