lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

The perks of moving.

Hello again!

So one of the main reasons of me writing and creating this blog was wanting to help people with a maybe difficult situation such as moving to a different country or just a different town. I've always liked writing and have been quite good at expressing myself trough stories and things I made up. But now instead of making up a story I'm going to talk about what happened and how I felt when my parents told me the news that turned my life upside down.

I was 11 years old and my family and I had gone on a trip to Spain, at first I tought it was just a holiday but it turned out to be so much more. My parents had been thinking about leaving our live in The netherlands behind and changing it for something else a different place. After much debating they decided on Malaga, Andalucia in the south of Spain. When they told my sister and I, I didn't want to believe it, why would I want to leave everything I knew behind to start over? I had all my life figured out, or at least thats what I thought of course nobody knows what your future is going to be like at 11 years old. My sister took the news even worse then me, she cried for ages and refused pint blank to go. She obviously didn't have a choise as she was only 8 years old.

The entire process of moving was very blurry, busy and confusing. My parents sold our old house in September, they had allready bought a house in Spain, in the middle of nowhere. I said goodbye to al my daily things, friends and family, they where all very suportive but that didn't make it easier for me. On November the 16th my mom, my sister, my dog and I got on a plane and left The Netherlands behind. It was only a 3 hour flight to Spain but at that time it felt like an eternity, maybe because I didn't want to get there or maybe just because I hate flying.
The house my parents had bought was a very old farm that had been abandoned for over 3 years. We had nothing only a few beds and the essentials. The garden and orchard where overrun with herbs, and the house was old and dusty. My parents and grandparents spent months cleaning and fixing everything. Only to find out in the first winter that the entire roof was broken and it was leaking everywhere. That obviously was the winter with the most rain recorded in the last 25 years. Just our luck.

After about a few weeks in Spain my parents enrolled us in a local spanish school. It was very strange and very scary, I didn't understand anyone and they didn't understand me. But I learned things fast and I made a few good friends. But still I missed my old life and kind of wanted to go back. But after accepting that was not going to happen I accepted the fact I would stay here for a long time. I started seeing the good things of moving, I had a change to start over.

I obviously have many more stories and tips but I will tell you about those in another post. Also sorry if I have any spelling mistakes, English is, as you probably guessed, not my mother tongue. If you do happen to find any mistakes feel free to tell me, I'm always open for constructive criticism.

Have a great night/day wherever you are and I will speak to you soon!


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